
Image of a standard normal distribution with an arrow pointing at the average and an arrow pointing at the right tail

Stop relying on averages

Averages, while useful for monitoring overall system health, often misrepresent individual user experiences. To truly understand and improve user satisfaction, one must analyze data beyond averages.


#philosophy #devops

Humanizing Hiring

What is it like to search for a job or hire someone today, and why on earth are we tolerating this mess? Why is it so hard to fix the job seeking and hiring process? Plus you get to play with another fun calculator.


#leadership #pandemic lessons #philosophy

An Exposition of DEI critical themes

There is some healthy, and some not so healthy, debate about DEI happening now. In this post I try to pull together the themes I'm hearing and give my perspective on these things. This is by no means an exhaustive treatment of the topic.


#philosophy #leadership

The Knowledge of Good and Evil for our AI creations

Poetic parallels between our pursuit of AI and biblical creation stories


#philosophy #ai