Lee Eason's personal blog

Saying goodbye to Slack

My takeaways after migrating from Slack to Microsoft Teams after four years of Slacking




Two things I want from an agile coach

As a software developer, here's two things I highly value in the agile coaches I have worked with.



All these DevOps cycle graphics are wrong

Recognize that a Deploy and a Release are two different things and adjust your tools and process to take advantage of that fact.



The best management book I've ever read

Understanding how we are each a hero in our own story builds empathy, and will make you a better manager.



Two things more important than skills when hiring

Consider tenure and rate of technology evolution before you prioritize specific technical skills in your hiring process.



An economic case for central teams

Quantifying efficiency savings is possible if you understand the story behind how software teams work.


#leadership #agile

Copyright https://www.flickr.com/photos/uniinnsbruck/3723226694

Technical mastery is key to 'Cloud First'

We have to stop ignoring technical mastery as a part of organizational transformation.


#leadership #cloud #training

About me

A little bit about the guy who writes this stuff.


Transformation is the new normal

If you are waiting for your transformation project to finish, you're going to be waiting a long time.



Deployability: The NPS of DevOps

Including a subjective metric in your DevOps KPIs can reveal surprising depth

